Awana 2024-2025 Waitlist
We will contact you if a spot opens up in our program! Note: registration fees include $20 dues per child and an optional $15 per uniform.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Apartment, suite, etc.
Zip/Postal Code
Have you been invited by a current clubber or IBC attender?
Home Church (if applicable)
What school does your chil(ren) attend?
Please provide the Name, Gender, and BIRTH DATE for your child(ren). Please also include the GRADE they will be going into this fall.
Please let us know what size uniform your child will need for Awana. Current sizes include: Cubbies (ages 3-4) vest: S (4), M (5), L (6), XL (8), XXL (10) // Sparks (grades K-2) vest: S (6), M (8), L (10), XL (12), XXL (14), XXXL (16) // T & T (grades 3-5) shirt: YS (10), YM (12), YL (14), AS, AM, AL
Please list any allergies or special instructions for each of your children:
Name & cell number of individual(s) authorized to pick up child(ren) in case of an emergency.
I give my permission for pictures and/or videos of my child to be used in publicity for Immanuel Bible Church of Saginaw (except for exclusions listed below), including, but not limited to, use of IBC website, social media, and print media. I understand that my child(ren)'s name(s) will NOT be published.
Yes, I give permission
No, I do not give permission
Comments, Exclusions, etc.